7 Ways To Hit The Ball Farther

Key Takeaways

To hit the ball farther, follow these key tips:

  1. Hold the club correctly with a grip close to the shaft's end.
  2. Execute an on-time weight shift from your back foot to your front foot during the swing.
  3. Keep your lead arm straight to maximize swing radius.
  4. Snap your hands at impact to accelerate the clubhead.
  5. Turn your shoulders perpendicular to the target at the top of the swing.
  6. Lead with your hips for faster swings.
  7. Perform exercises like helicopters, one-legged balance crunch, and criss-cross to enhance flexibility and strength.

It is difficult to be an average golfer and not want to hit the ball farther or make a long-range shot. It’s natural to want to smoke the ball to gain additional yardage.

The issue arises when your accuracy is compromised in exchange for those few yards. Then, to keep up with your speed, you unconsciously begin swinging harder, making you more prone to miss hits such as a double-cross, a slice, or a hook.

You don’t have to worry if you follow our guide. We’re here to provide effective tactics for getting your shot in shape and hitting the ball farther.

Are You Hitting Harder to Reach Farther? 

Golfer about to swing his golf club to hit the golf ball on the golf coure

To drive the ball as far down the fairway as possible, you must swing as hard as possible without sacrificing your control, posture, or balance. Fast swing speeds relate to longer distances off the tee. Conversely, a slow swing won’t allow you to strike the golf ball far.

If you reduce the speed of the swing, the slower the swing will be, and the more difficult it is to acquire distance. Keep your swing pace as high as possible so it can add up in gaining distance shots. You may need to speed up your backswing and improve leg strength to play a shot far away on the fairway.

It is critical to rotate your body in a smooth golf swing. It is also important to use it throughout the downswing and follow through. In addition, the chest muscles benefit from solid shoulders and arms for better body alignment.

Check Also: How To Drive The Golf Ball – An A-To-Z Guide

Tips To Hit The Ball Farther 

There is no muscular strength involved in playing a farther shot. Instead, it is all about knowledge of swing mechanics at the correct time. 

Today, we’d like to teach you how to hit a golf ball farther. We want your tee shots to fly off your driver’s face.

We’re not going to give you any complicated or technical swing changes advice. Instead, we have seven simple methods for teaching you how to hit a golf ball farther.

Does that sound good? Let’s get started!

#1 Hold the Club Correctly

A golfer showing his golf grip on the golf course

Put the club’s head behind the ball and keep your grip close to the shaft’s end. To prevent the club head from moving, step backward away from the ball until your arms are almost straight. 

Maintain a small gap between your feet so that the ball is either in the middle of your feet or closer to your front foot. When you stand farther from the ball, the club head travels a great distance, which enables it to develop more power and speed when you take your shot.

#2 On-time Weight Shift

At the top of your backswing, your weight will be concentrated on your back leg. Turn your hips toward the hole as soon as you begin to push the club forward once more to shift your weight to your front foot. As you swing forward, shift your weight to your front foot. To assist you in generating greater power, slightly press down with your front foot.

The speed difference between your backswing and downswing should be minimal. Avoid moving too slowly; if you do, the ball will move jerkily and not where you want it to.

#3 Forget Your Elbow Bone

Your arms should not be lifted or bent at the elbows; instead, your hands should travel a little bit upward on a plane due to your forward-tilted spine. Most professional golfers start their swings with this motion, referred to as a “one-piece takeout.”

If you keep your lead arm straight, you’ll hit the golf ball farther. Given that it is nearer your intended goal as you approach the ball if you are a right-handed person, your left arm is your lead arm.

Obtain a secure grip on your club as you prepare to line up for your shot. Then, before beginning your takeaway, ensure your wrist and elbow align with your shoulder and club. Your golf swing’s radius will increase if you draw a straight line from your shoulder to the clubhead. Your swing speeds will likewise increase as the length of your arc lengthens.

#4 Snapping Your Hands

The right hand should be turned over at the appropriate time to ensure a robust finish to your swing. The trick is to accelerate that extra club speed at impact, which will lengthen the ball’s trajectory, with your right hand (for righties) by snapping (some players regard this as a “whoosh”).

#5 Turn Your Shoulders:

A golfer swinging his golf club on the golf course

Become more flexible so that at the peak of your swing, you can start to turn your shoulders almost perpendicularly. Most amateur golfers try to use their hands and arms more and compensate by hitting the golf ball more forcefully than they should. Because most professional golfers spend a significant amount of time in the gym honing their flexibility, if you watch a golf event on television, you’ll notice that every player turns their shoulders at least 90 degrees. By increasing your turn by as little as 10 to 15 degrees, you’ll be surprised at how much farther you can hit the golf ball.

#6 Hip Movement 

At the moment of impact, lead with your hips and quicken your swing since the faster you swing, the farther the ball will travel. Try tossing the ball as far as you can while keeping your shoulders and hips aligned.

Your swing will go more quickly if you lead with your hips since doing so will cause your arms to whirl around in front of you.

#7 Opt For Exercises 

Here are some exercises to help you become more flexible to make your shoulders and hip movement perfect.

We are focusing on the central body or you can say the hub which when it gets energy, sends it to the arms, legs, and golf balls. Finally, the muscles in the core stabilize the region from the pelvis to the shoulder. 


A power workout known as a helicopter works the legs, shoulders, buttocks, lower back, and abs. Like the golf swing, it is a rotating motion. To do this workout correctly, you’ll need a medium-hand weight (dumbbell). Kneel into a squat while standing with your feet hip distance apart ( in a chair-like position). Pull the hand weight to your right hip by grasping it firmly with both hands. At the waist, the elbows should be locked into a 90-degree bend. With the arms being pulled from the right hip to the left shoulder and the core being rotated, quickly raise the body out of the squat position. Lower your body back into a squat stance by pulling your arms back down to your right hip.

For a better idea about the exercise, we would advise you to watch a short video. It’s an almost 1-minute video. You can skip the first 15 seconds to get to the action.

One-Legged Balance Crunch

The ability to balance and transfer one’s weight is essential for hitting a drive on the golf course. By maintaining balance and enlarging the abdominal muscles, the standing one-legged crunch exercises the body in two ways. Start by standing on the right leg while keeping the left knee 90 degrees bent and parallel to the hip. Next, pull your elbows into your sides while holding a medicine ball. Your arms should form a 90-degree angle. 

Invest your 20 seconds in watching a demonstration of this exercise:

Keep your core in this posture, then gradually lower your chest until your back resembles a flat table.

Your left knee should remain bent and swing behind you as you lower your chest. Return to the starting position slowly after holding for one count.

Criss Cross

The criss-cross exercise uses the same rotating motion as a golf swing and improves the oblique muscles.

Lift your shoulders and head off the floor while lying on your back with your bent knees at a 90° angle. You can support yourself by placing your hands behind your head.

Move your legs slowly, one at a time, as if you were riding a bicycle while bending the opposite knee with the shoulder. Be careful to keep your elbows out and away from your knees, keeping them even with your ears.

You can watch the demonstration of the exercise in a short video of 32 seconds but you can skip the last 3 seconds. 


You can adjust your swing, switch clubs, and use different balls, among other things, to boost your distance. If you adhere to the advice in this article, you’ll be making significant progress toward getting to that 300-yard mark or perhaps further.

Just keep practicing and learning from your mistakes. Wise golfers stick to the postulate of learning and improving their games throughout their careers.


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Jacob Jensen

My name is Jacob, a self-diagnosed equipment and golf enthusiast. I've been golfing since I was 15. Golf has always been my passion. I'm a bit of a golf equipment nerd and I've been that way since the moment I picked up a club for the first time. As someone who's been on both sides of the game, I know what it takes to be a good golfer. Of course, you need good equipment, but you also need to know how to use it. I hope sharing my experience with you will help you improve your game.

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