The Stress-Free Golf Swing Review

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Key Takeaways

To understand The Stress-Free Golf Swing, focus on the unique approach based on Ben Hogan's technique. Key aspects include:

  1. Secret Move: Emphasizes a unique head movement discovered by Jeff Richmond.
  2. Simplicity: Focuses on a single technique, making it easy to learn and apply.
  3. Consistency: Helps improve timing and consistency in swings.
  4. Accessibility: Suitable for golfers of all ages and skill levels.
  5. Affordability: Offers great value at a low cost with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Implement these elements to achieve better swing performance and lower scores effortlessly.

What if I told you that you could achieve the perfect swing more consistently? Imagine being able to hit the ball more consistently time and time again!

The Stress-Free Golf swing program was created by Jeff Richmond to help all golfers, regardless of their level, to swing more accurately, more consistently, and achieve better results and lower scores on the course.

This article will review the Stress-Free Golf Swing program, which I used and tested myself some time ago. I will give you an idea about how the digital instruction program will guide you through the process of improving your swing in a step-by-step fashion. You will be able to swing better without giving it too much thought. It’s totally stress-free!

The Creation of the Stress-Free Swing

The Stress-Free swing course dates back to 2015 ( 5th of March, to be more specific), when the owner of, Jeff Richmond accidentally discovered something that no one ever noticed before him: a secret move that Ben Hogan used in his swings to achieve the best possible performance and consistency. 

The discovery took place while Jeff was observing the head movements of around 23 professional golfers while swinging, including Tom Watson, Tiger Woods, and Ben Hogan. The surprising discovery was that Ben Hogan displayed a head movement that was contrary to what all pro golfers and coaches considered “conventional”.

Head movement analysis of a golfer while completing a golf swing
Head movement analysis

Knowing that Ben Hogan was one of the most legendary (and successful) golf players to ever live, Jeff knew he had discovered something worth investigating that would revolutionize how golfers swing their clubs. Everyone had thought that Ben Hogan had taken his secret move with him to the grave, but Jeff’s discovery meant the unveiling of a long-lost trick that made a real golf legend!

Immediately after his discovery, Richmond tried out Hogan’s move to see if it would help him perform any better. Surprisingly, after one day of using the secret move, he could surpass his GIR of 10 and managed to score 14 Greens in Regulation. 

The improvement continued, as Jeff kept improving his game just by adopting Hogan’s secret move, and several months into the successful adoption of the move, he decided it was time to share the revolutionary discovery with the rest of the world. It was in the form of a series of instructional videos and PDF documents that he entitled “The Stress-Free Golf Swing Program”.

About The Author

Jacob Jensen

My name is Jacob D. Jensen. I am a golf equipment and technology enthusiast. I love everything and anything related to golf. I have been golfing since I was 15 years of age (now I am in my forties), and I don’t think I’ll ever stop or have enough of this amazing sport. The only thing that counts more for me in life is my family and my love of spending quality time with my wife and two lovely daughters.

I am also a self-proclaimed perfectionist and find a lot of pleasure in trying to give my best in order to achieve perfection, be it in sports, business, or any other aspect of life. I am also very lucky to be a mentor to a group of young people who see in me a model to follow, both on the course and in real life. 

Back in 2017, I was talking with a group of fellow golf instructors when someone mentioned Jeff Richmond’s instructional course. As soon as the name Ben Hogan was brought up, I decided to give the program a try, and so far, I haven’t regretted my decision. I tried the course, and it was a game-changer for me, both as a golf enthusiast as well as a golf instructor. 

Consistent Golf’s Stress-Free Swing Program Overview

As mentioned earlier, the Stress-Free Swing Program was a completely accidental discovery by Jeff Richmond. It teaches a unique swing method based on Ben Hogan’s unorthodox and unconventional (head) movement.

The stress-free golf swing review book and videos on white background
The Stress-Free Golf Swing Book and Videos. Source

This is a complete instructional program that includes several mental golf drills, seven online videos, ten bonus training videos, an 85-page PDF document, and 53 extra pages, in addition to an extensive amount of techniques, tips, and tricks from world-famous professional golfers.

The objective behind this tool is to enable golfers of different ages and golf skill levels to perfect their swinging techniques and get a perfect position every single time they get ready to swing their club. 

The program is guaranteed to help anyone achieve a fast improvement over their current level, as Jeff himself managed to drastically improve his game in no time by solely employing this technique!

What truly distinguishes this program is that, instead of focusing on multiple golf techniques (as other programs do), it focuses only on a single technique that allows you to focus on your swing without worrying about other factors. It is a very affordable and successful plan that is packed with a great deal of value.  

Here’s What I Experienced with the Secret Move 

At first, I was hesitant to try the Stress-Free secret move, but I decided to give it a chance once I realized it was used by Ben Hogan. To be honest, I have always been an admirer of that outstanding professional golfer. He could achieve things that only a few golfers could. Anyway, here are the fine details of my overall experience with the Stress-Free Golf Swing Program.

It is worth mentioning that due to copyright reasons, I won’t be able to unveil all the details of the secret move itself; but I will be talking about how it completely changed my golf game by becoming more accurate and more consistent with my swings.

A Snapshot of My Results After I Tried the Stress-Free Swing

All I had to do was to focus on a single technique to improve my swing and overall results. I was an OK golfer before using this trick, but as soon as I adopted it, I was surprised at how my swing improved drastically in a very short time. 

My biggest struggle was with timing and consistency. Even though I could get my shots right most of the time, there were times when I simply performed terribly and got some of the worst results I have ever achieved in my life. 

Once I started to use the secret move, my timing was way better, which eventually led to a huge improvement in consistency and results on and off the course. I could practice the move on the actual course, at the driving range, or even at home (in my backyard).

As opposed to other sophisticated golf swing methods suggested by other instructors, this one is pretty straightforward. It doesn’t take a lot of thinking or effort to apply, making it a must-try for golfers regardless of their level of expertise. 

Inconsistency was always there to sabotage my performance; each time I hit out of bounds or made a bad shot, my overall performance and result were affected. With the secret move, I managed to get rid of those performance-limiting factors. In the end, my gameplay and results got a huge boost from the Stress-Free secret move!  

What Surprised Me About the Stress-Free Golf Swing

What really surprised me about the Stress-Free Golf Swing digital program was that it actually worked!

Usually, when something sounds too good to be true, it most probably is. However, the Stress-Free Golf Swing makes huge promises by altering a single detail of your swing; this is not easy to believe or take seriously, but somehow, it really works.

The program is easy to follow and will help you achieve better consistency and timing in your swings. 

All in all, the program is surprisingly good, surprisingly affordable and the improvement and results are surprisingly fast.

Here’s What I Liked About the Secret Move

There are many things I loved about the program; they are as follows:

  • Affordability of the product: A cheap program that basically makes wonders to your golf swing and performance.
  • Simplicity: There are no details to potentially find yourself lost in. Only focus on a single technique and see the results, fast!
  • Fast results: No need to practice for months or even years, as is the case with other programs. You will see the results immediately, starting from day one. After that, as you continue using the move, your results will keep improving. 
  • Suitable for different ages and skill levels: It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, male or female, beginner or professional, the secret move will add something that you didn’t even know you needed and will help you perform better.
  • It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee: If for some reason, you don’t like the program or it doesn’t work for you, you will be able to get a full refund of your money. However, I personally assure you that you won’t need this, as the program will be very useful, and you will love it!
  • The downloadable digital format: This means the program is always with you. You can keep it with you on your laptop or smartphone, which means it will never be lost (as is the case with physical books).

Here’s What I Don’t Like that Much

The Stress-Free Golf Swing is an almost perfect instructional program; ALMOST!

Like any marketed product, there are very few things that could have been improved, or that can be improved in future releases of the program; these are the following:

  • If you fail to incorporate the secret move correctly, the program will more likely be less effective. So, you’d better follow the instructions carefully.
  • This one is a benefit and a drawback at the same time. The program is fully digital, which means that you won’t be able to use it if you don’t have access to a computer or smartphone, you won’t be able to benefit from the program. 

We hope that in the future, the option of having a hard copy of the PDF file will be added for purchase; this will be a welcome addition for those of us who don’t like spending much time on the computer or prefer reading from a book instead.

What’s Unique About The Stress-Free Golf Swing?

The uniqueness of the move lies in the fact that it goes against everything that golfers and instructors believed was the perfect sequence of moves and techniques to achieve consistency and a better swing style. 

It is an innovative move that was discovered by chance. Jeff Richmond was not trying to discover the move itself. He just noticed a different swing move sequence that Ben Hogan used to follow and never shared with anyone. Somehow, the secret move is a revival of Ben Hogan’s golf style that will live on in thousands of users’ swing styles.

Head movement of different golfers when completing a golf swing on the golf course
Head movement of different golfers when completing a swing. Source

Also, a single move will be able to fix all the problems you had with your swing in the past. No need to think about different variables that come into play while swinging; just focus on a single technique instead, and everything will come with it.

You can also opt to use swing training aids while practicing the stress-free golf swing. We do have a list of the best tools for the purpose in our detailed review article.

What Results Can You Expect?

The Stress-Free program can help you fix most, if not all, issues related to your swing style. The more you practice, the better you get at swinging your clubs, the more consistent you will be, and the lower your scores.

If you have been struggling with missed shots, hooks, slices, or bad contact with the ball, you can benefit greatly from the program. All your issues can be easily fixed.

Consistency, timing, and stance can all be improved too, which will be reflected in your average score and even handicap. Bit by bit, you will see your golf score and handicap go lower thanks to the secret move and the included tips and tricks.

You can also expect to reach a level where you will be able to swing well unconsciously; that is, without thinking and stressing too much about the details of your swing. It will all come naturally.

Amazingly enough, Ben Hogan’s move is proof that you don’t necessarily need to stick to the tiniest guidelines that instructors give you. You can experiment with something different and unusual and still end up with much better results. The secret move made more sense to me, and was much easier to implement as well!

What Is The Secret Move?

There are regulations related to copyright infringement that prevent me from disclosing everything about Jeff Richmond’s discovered secret move. That’s why I won’t be able to tell you exactly what the move is.

Ben Hogan himself almost sold his secret move to Golf Digest for a whopping six-figure sum of money, but he ended up keeping it to himself. So this is an extremely valuable piece of information.

However, I can confidently say that this secret move took the golf world by storm and goes against everything (the do’s and don’ts) that we were traditionally taught when it comes to the golf swing. 

Most of us will be reluctant to use the move at first, but once you make the jump, you realize that it has always been the better way to swing your club. It is really a very good and effective striking technique!

Why Ben Hogan?

Ben Hogan performing a golf swing on the golf course
Ben Hogan performing a golf swing. Source

You mean besides him being a golf legend?

Ben Hogan was and is still considered one of the best golf players in history. Moreover, there is a story that supports our claims: His phenomenal comeback after a devastating accident he was involved in.

In fact, back in 1949, Ben Hogan almost died in a serious car accident. He was told by doctors that he would be lucky if he could ever walk again, let alone play golf. However, he managed to fully recover from the accident and go back to playing golf.

Surprisingly, Ben Hogan was able to win six out of nine major golf tournaments he entered after the accident. Three of which he won in the same year (1953).   

Ben Hogan was also called the best golf ball striker ever; so there must be something that changed after the accident. 

Because of the injuries sustained in the accident, Ben Hogan was obliged to modify his swing so as to adapt to his new situation and physical abilities. Shortly after that, he noticed that the little changes he had made to his swing had the unexpected effect of him striking the ball better than he used to, with much more accuracy and distance.

After giving this some thought, Hogan noticed that there was a little secret move that he used which was hugely improving his swing and overall results. He also noticed that his move had nothing to do with what was considered “conventional” at the time and was taught as the normal way to swing.

Even though Ben Hogan never actually revealed his secret move to anyone and took it with him to the grave, it is believed that he always maintained that the move was so simple that anyone could notice and use it if they knew exactly where to look for it.  

Reviews The Stress-Free Golf Swing Received From Golfers

The Stress-Free Golf Swing was and still is a very successful program due to its simplicity and affordability. It doesn’t require much knowledge or experience to fully benefit from it. Also, it is constantly updated and improved by the owner.

Overall, the course has received very positive feedback from thousands of golfers that have tried it from around the world. Anyone that has tried the program, including myself, will agree that it is a very effective method to improve your swing and overall game. 

Almost anyone who tested the course fell in love with it, and the ratings usually range between 4.5/5 and the full rating (5/5).

Personally, I rate this excellent program at 4.7/5 because it delivers everything it promises and provides an excellent buyer protection system with full refunds in case the buyer doesn’t like or benefit from the course. 

If you still need to check out some actual reviews and ratings by customers from all around the world, please feel free to visit the owner’s and the program’s official website. You will be amazed by the number of satisfied customers the program has accumulated since its creation back in 2015. 

Is The Stress-Free Swing Easy To Do?

The answer is yes, the Stress-Free swing is easy to do. You will be able to see results almost immediately, and after that, the more you practice the move, the better you get at swinging more consistently– Ben Hogan’s way!

The program gives you access to a book and multiple videos that guide you through a series of techniques to practice anywhere. Personally, I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself on the golf course, so I decided to try out the move at home before doing it on the range. A few baskets of practice balls later, I was confident I was ready to try the move on the course, and it was a game-changer!

The whole program consists of drills to build a specific pattern of muscle memory. After that, the move becomes part of your swing pattern. You start to integrate it unconsciously, and that’s why it’s called “stress-free”.

No more worrying about the details of your swing or anything that can go wrong and cost you a valuable stroke. The stress-free swing is memorized and executed unconsciously after a few practice sessions! 

At this point, I really wish I could tell you what the secret move simply is, but there are copyright rules and agreements with the discovery owner, Jeff Richmond, and doing so will be considered copyright infringement.

Don’t worry, though, as the Stress-Free Swing program is really affordable, and the owner provides a complete money-back guarantee for anyone who doesn’t like the program or doesn’t see improvement. Jeff is so confident in his secret move that he offers this kind of guarantee, and so far, the refund requests have been extremely low!

What Do You Get Inside the Program?

The package includes digital resources to help you fine-tune your swing; everything is designed to help you achieve a golf swing similar to Ben Hogan’s. These are the contents of the program:

  • Multiple mental drills to practice in your head to get ready for your golf rounds.
  • A full PDF format eBook that contains a series of instructions backed by useful images to help you integrate Ben Hogan’s secret move into your swing pattern. You will be able to implement the move into your technique and use it without even thinking about it.
  • An additional 53 pages of instructions to help you achieve the perfect swing. I know what many of you are thinking: “The perfect swing doesn’t exist”. While I strongly agree, this is as close as it gets to being perfect!
  • Seven slow-motion videos to help you see all the details of Ben Hogan’s move. This will help you integrate it more easily into your game.
  • Ten additional training videos to help you achieve the best and most correct posture for your swing. 
  • Expert advice, tips, tricks, and techniques to help you further improve your swing. You get suggestions from the best players and instructors in the field. 

As I mentioned before, the whole program is designed to integrate all the techniques into your muscle memory. The more you practice, the closer you get to a hassle-free, stress-free swing that feels natural and doesn’t require any kind of thinking. This way, you will achieve more consistency, more greens in regulation, and much better results.

Is It A “Stress-Free” Cost?

At the price of 77 dollars (US) (for the latest updated content), it definitely is a stress-free cost. This is a very affordable program that costs much less than other programs available out there. 

Moreover, if you compare what you pay to the plethora of benefits and value you get in return, this is a highly worthy investment. 

You will get plenty of information and digital resources to completely transform your swing and make it similar to Ben Hogan’s. This, in turn, will improve your game, consistency, and overall results. It’s amazing how much a single detail can change!

Traditionally, to get similar (or even closer) results, you will need to invest in a golf swing analyzer and get yourself a professional coach, which will set you back hundreds or thousands of dollars. This makes the Stress-Free program a really solid option for anyone looking to improve their game (without necessarily investing too much money).

The icing on the cake is the full money-back guarantee; you will get a full refund of your investment if you don’t like the program; tempting, isn’t it? 

Final Verdict

The Stress-Free Golf Swing Program is a course that teaches you a powerful swing technique that Ben Hogan relied on to achieve a very good scoring level. The program helps golfers achieve much better consistency without even thinking about it.

The technique is integrated into your (muscle) memory in a way that you will be able to consistently make excellent swings time and time again. You will be surprised how easy swinging your clubs will become after you go through the course and benefit from the valuable included information. 

Somehow, I love how the Stress-Free course ensures Ben Hogan’s legacy will continue to live among us long after he left us. I am a big fan of this legendary golfer, and what better way to remember him than to use his own techniques and replicate his golf swing! 

All you need to do now is get yourself a copy of the Stress-Free golf instruction course and start to swing like Ben Hogan! 


Photo of author

Jacob Jensen

My name is Jacob, a self-diagnosed equipment and golf enthusiast. I've been golfing since I was 15. Golf has always been my passion. I'm a bit of a golf equipment nerd and I've been that way since the moment I picked up a club for the first time. As someone who's been on both sides of the game, I know what it takes to be a good golfer. Of course, you need good equipment, but you also need to know how to use it. I hope sharing my experience with you will help you improve your game.

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